To add a USAePay Gateway, you will need some information from your USAePay account, follow these steps:

1. Login to your USAePay account.

2. Under "Settings" select "API Keys". From "API Keys" you will either use or create a key that will be used to connect your USAePay Gateway with

3. You will need to record the "API Key" and "PIN".

Once you have acquired your USAePay API key and PIN, follow these steps to integrate your USAePay Gateway with your account.

1. Login to your account.

2. Select the "Integrations" drop-down menu and click on "Merchant Gateway."

3. Navigate to and select the "Add New" button.

4. Select "USAePay" under the Gateway Type, and complete all the fields with the information from your USAePay account. Enter the gathered API Key in the "USAePay Transaction Key" field and the PIN in the "USAePay PIN" field. 

5. When finished, press "Add."

You have successfully integrated a USAePay gateway.