To integrate a Fluidpay Gateway to your account, you will need your API Username and API Key. 

Follow these steps to find your API Username and API Key:

1. Login to your Fluidpay gateway and select "Manage Api Keys" at the top right of the page.

2. Record the "Api Key" shown. If an API key, does not exist, you can create one by pressing "Add Api Key."

Once the Fluidpay API Key has been recorded, follow these steps to add the Fluidpay gateway to your account:

1. Login to your account.

2. Select the "Integrations" drop-down menu and click on "Merchant Gateway."

3. Navigate to and select the "Add New" button.

4. Select "Fluidpay" under the Gateway Type, and complete all the fields with the information from your Fluidpay account.

5. When finished, press "Add."

You have successfully integrated an Fluidpay gateway.